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Competition Rules - last revision September 2024

General Rules


  1. Only fully paid up members may enter competitions.

  2. Entrants must have taken all the original images. (i.e. No royalty-free material is permitted.)

  3. Images may be manipulated, but only by the author.

  4. Club definition of monochrome and colour :-

      A monochrome image shall be either un-toned (b&w) or fully toned with a single colour (e.g. sepia). The addition of a secondary          colour (or even partial toning) renders the work colour.

  1. The maximum width of PDI’s should be 1600px.  The maximum height should be 1200px.

  2. Unless the specific competition rules further restrict a print’s size, it is recommended to keep within the generally accepted limits of 400mm x 500mm (16” x 20”).


Rules for Annual Competitions


The Club currently holds the following competitions –


Print competitions

  • Cheney Trophy

  • The Monochrome Print Trophy

  • The Colour Print Trophy

  • The Nason Trophy, for a Monochrome Landscape


Projected Digital Images (PDI) competitions

  • Projected Image Trophy (PDI of the Year)

  • The Johnson Conservation Trophy

  • The Set-Subjects

  • The Creative Competition

  • The People Competition


In addition the Club holds an Annual Exhibition at which the following awards are made.


  • The President’s Trophy

  • The George Hunt Trophy, for PDI’s

  • The Ray Needham Trophy, for prints

  • The Most Popular Print Award

  • The ‘Quartet Small Print’ Trophy


The rules of each Award/Trophy are described below together with a schedule of relevant definitions.


Cheney Trophy


  1. Competitors shall submit a set of six prints, at least two of which must be monochrome.

  2. The entries must illustrate 3 topics of the author's choice, (two prints to each topic) in order to demonstrate their skills in various genres of photography.


Monochrome Print Trophy


A single print on any subject is submitted.


Colour Print Trophy


A single print on any subject is submitted.

The Nason Trophy for Landscape.


  1. Competitors shall submit a single monochrome print of a landscape.

  2. The photograph shall have been taken in England, Scotland or Wales within the 12 months prior to the competition.

  3. The size of the print shall be between 50 and 200 square inches.


Projected Image Trophy - PDI of the Year


  1. Four heats are held on normal programme evenings.

  2. Members may enter any or all heats. (NB. Work is usually entered in advance of the heat to allow time for judging)

  3. In each heat, members may enter up to three PDIs on any subject.

  4. Unsuccessful images in one heat may be entered in subsequent heats.

  5. In each heat, six images shall be selected to go forward to the final.

  6. The final will be judged by an external judge.

  7. No member shall have more than three images in the final.  If a member’s entry in the final exceeds this amount they must de-select material. The member is allowed to make his/her own final choice of three.

  8. In order to maintain around 40 images for the final, the highest scoring images (as voted by members in the heats,) will be used to make up the shortfall.

  9. Images that have been selected for the final are allowed small changes/improvements by the author such as cropping, removing background anomalies, and the reduction of highlights. The subject or content must remain unchanged.


The Johnson Conservation Trophy.


  1. Competitors shall enter a set of four PDI’s to illustrate the general theme of "Nature Conservation".

  2. The first image shall be a natural landscape or seascape.

  3. Each remaining image should portray a different category from the following :-

      Mammal, Bird, Reptile, Insect, Flower, Tree or Shrub, Fungi, Geology, or other life form not in these categories.

  4. All images must appear to show natural subjects, not domesticated or obviously caged or mounted, specimens, or cultivated            plants.

  5. Any manipulation or modification is limited to minor retouching and must not alter the truth of the original scene.

  6. Although people may be present, they should not be the main part of the picture.

  7. Judging will take place on a normal club evening, by using an externally appointed judge.



The Set-Subject Competitions.


  1. A number of pre-defined “set-subject” competitions will be held during the year.

  2. Members may enter up to three PDI’s into each competition.

  3. Judging will take place on a normal club evening, by those members present.


The Creative Competition.


This competition will mean different things to different people and therein lies the appeal for members who like to think outside the box.  For the purpose of this competition, there are other labels which cover this genre, including Abstract, Altered Reality, Contemporary, Experimental, Surreal. The common thread is that this embraces a very diverse category of images made using an assortment of techniques and with equally varied intentions.  All components of the image (which may include computer graphics) must have been created by the entrant (the inclusion of stock images is not permitted), and the photographic content should predominate.


  1. Members may enter up to three PDI’s

  2. Judging will take place on a normal club evening, with an externally appointed judge.


The “People” Competition.


This competition is intended to encourage members to take photographs of people.  The person or people being photographed may or may not be aware of having their picture taken.


  1. Members may enter up to three PDI’s

  2. Judging will take place on a normal club evening, by an externally appointed judge.


The “Most Improved Member” Trophy


This is not a competition.  The trophy is simply awarded at the end of AGM to the member who has, in the opinion of those present, shown the “most improvement” in their club photography over the preceding 12 months.


The Annual Exhibition.


  1. The Annual Exhibition shall be held on a date chosen by the committee and at a venue selected by the committee.

  2. It shall be non-selective and all members shall have the right to have their work included.

  3. Members may enter up to six colour prints, six monochrome prints and eight PDI’s.  In addition members may enter a panel in the Quartet Small Print Trophy.

  4. The Exhibition shall not become a financial drain on the society's resources, and must be largely self-financing.


Awards made at the Annual Exhibition.


The President's Trophy


Visiting societies shall be invited to submit a panel of six prints, which may be monochrome/colour, or a mixture of the two to compete for the President's trophy.  The President (or their representative) will select the winner.


The George Hunt Trophy.


An invited visitor to the Exhibition will select the winner from the member’s projected images.


The Ray Needham Trophy.


An invited visitor to the Exhibition will select the winner from the member’s prints.


The Most Popular Print Award


The general public visiting the Exhibition will vote to select the winner from the member’s prints.


The ‘Quartet Small Print’ Trophy


  1. Members shall submit a panel of four prints mounted on a single sheet of card.

  2. Maximum size of each print shall be A5

  3. Each photograph shall be titled and the panel must bear the name of the author.

  4. The subject shall be selected by the Committee and communicated to the Club members.

  5. An invited visitor to the Exhibition will select the winner from the member’s panels


Lutterworth Photographic Society Co-op is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through the Midland Counties Federation.


Watch the Birdie 3.gif

LPSC sponsored by the

Central  Co-op

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